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Economic Operation and Benefit of China 's Textile Industry in 2016

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Data shows that from January to December 2016, the overall situation of China's textile industry has improved, a number of data rose up year on year, only the export delivery value declined, the number of loss-making enterprises increased, but the number of loss declined.


From January to December in 2016, the added value of the textile industry grew by 4.9% and the production operation was stable. The fixed assets investment in the textile industry increased by 10.7%. The sales rate of the textile industry reached 98.4% and the garment manufacturing industry was 97.7%. However, The value fell 0.9% year on year.


From January to December in 2016, the textile industry's main business income increased by 4.1%; loss enterprises in textile industry increased by 7.0%, loss fell -5.8%; profits is remaining growth, textile industry profits rose 4.4%, textile production finished goods fell 0.1% year on year.


                                           (By: Ministry of Information and Industry)